Our vision
To contribute to a healthy planet for all species by:
- Reducing the usage of fossil fuels and thus the reduction of CO2 emissions.
- Contributing to a closed system of usage, collection, recycling and production of plastics worldwide.
- Eliminating the incineration, landfilling and seafilling of plastics.
Our Mission
Our mission is circularity. We want to reduce and eliminate plastic waste by enabling producers of plastics to use circular precursors by means of the Beryl Process. This makes plastics economically attractive, reduces the dependency on fossil fuels and reduces CO2 emissions.
Our Goal
1. To convert 1,0 million tons of waste plastics into aromatics by 2030, thus reducing 2,3 mln tons of CO2.!
2. To convert 300.000 tons of waste plastics into 225.000 tons of waxes, herewith reducing another 0.5 mln tons of CO2.
The waste problem
Plastics: 90% turn into waste
If current production and waste management trends continue, roughly 12 billion ton of plastic waste will be in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050.
We intend to stop this
To realise our vision of making plastic truly circular, Beryl Circular works in close partnership with a chain of key technology players in:
- Plastic waste handling
- Pyrolysis & chemical recycling
- Chemical catalysis of plastics
- Customers of our products